What a Wakeup !

I firmly believe that every parent should parent. Every parent has there own way. You might not like it nor I. But when an appointed person sees this in their own one way view it all goes to chit. Our kids are told over and over that if anyone does anything that they don't like to report them. So you get kids that turn in their parents for punishing them. The parent is scrutinized by the appointed people and must prove themselves innocent. But they will hear none of the reasoning behind why the child was being punished. They firmly believe that we should be our kids best of best friends, not a parent, but an equal. This in my opinion in completely incorrect. I see how the "fear" way works. It has worked for centuries on children and adults. Either "fear" of religious, or social reprimand, outcasting, physical abuse, mental abuse, being singled out and blame placed upon. I see gov't and organized religion both as a commercial business. With their hierarchy and controls. To many people worry about what everyone else is doing. And pointing out what they don't like. I have seen religion, and political views pull families apart, and to me it doesn't work. That is my choice. But if you are happy that is fine with me. Don't bring it to my house. But in the same respect if I was to come to your house I would respect your own personal views. Regardless to treat others the same way as being treated by them. I know I'm jumping around from here to here in my writing but this get's me riled up.