Anyone else lose interest?

"Keep your eye on the prize" that's what they say. Maintaining focus and motivation on long term goals isn't easy. I bought my 67 vert project over 22 years ago. I took it apart right away. I dont expect to ever see it put back together again. I lost my ability with spinal problems. Just sitting here and looking at unfinished projects was making me crazy. At the same time, if someone asked for help I would jump through flaming hoops for them. Just the way I am. Last back surgery resulted from helping my brother put a clutch in his Ford truck.
My psychiatrist made a suggestion and I ran with it. I bought a decent car that I could just piddle with to occupy my mind and time. I promised my first born grand daughter I would give her the car when she graduates high school. Everything I've done or intend to have done to this car is for her which goes back to just how I am. She wouldn't want me to hurt myself anymore than my brother did and I've learned to politely say no. A few of the things I've done for the grand daughters car has benefited a bunch of other owners out there and occupied my time too. ( Thank you and you're welcome to those. )
What I'm trying to say is if you're like me ( gives blood regularly but puts zero effort in quit smoking ), Give the car to someone you love and do it for them.