Vintage Import Thoughts?

Please don't hate me for bringing this up. I have considered adding an older RWD car to drive in the summer. Something with fairly decent MPG.

I used to be into 510's years ago. I gave the car away. Then I bought a couple of wagons a few years ago, and drove them.

I did have a parts 2002 for some time. I drove it around my yard some but never on the road.

I have noticed that the 02's seem to offer more for the buck as far as how much car you get for the money. Most 510's I see are either rotten and junked out, or they are 4K. Not much inbetween.

I am considering a /Valiant. Probably the best option since I already own it and a spare for parts.

Any one have thoughts on the 510 vs. the 2002? Experiences etc?

Thank you, ROB