Foreign cars

..when I last checked, you could buy a new mustang ..plain jane of course for 22K..but who wants that debt when you are young. BTW, I am a boomer and debt is too easy.

I live in a subdivsion where walking / bicycling is not an option. All my neighbours have bought cars ..japanise..for their kids. On family, do to a small bump has regretted it..big bill. I bought the kids a '75 duster that they are rolling up their sleeves and doing a bunch of the rebuild. That same neighbour tried to do the same for his kids..they flatly have refused.

I like how how the Duster is built..real metal for bumpers, etc.. My kids take real pride in what they are doing and their car. In their high school parking lot, one more '70 has appeared..

This has been a great thread..and I do worry about our kids futures and our two countries...
