Dumb Question

6 o'clock cam dot lined up to 12 o'clock crank dot = #6 firing.

Look at the #1 intake lobe/lifter, you'll see it approaching/on the ramp for the lobe.

Once it barfs back up through the carb while cranking, most get it figured out.

Come to think of it....( not sure if I am just making myself think this or if this is what actually happened.....been a couple years ago since I built it now ) when I put my dusters engine in ... ( I had ran it to tdc,cam dot at 6 o'clock and crank dot at 12 o'clock) I think I recall that I dropped my distributor pointing at number 1......and when I tried firing it up (like crackedback mentioned) it either belched out the carb and made sound out the exhaust like it was under water...... so right then I knew I was 180 out at I pulled the dizzy ,flipped it,dropped it back in and it fired right up.

I wasnt aware it had to be dropped on #6