NOS--should I??

I road race my dart for fun-(Not professional but LOTS of mods)
The newer vettes are incredible!! There is not much that will keep up with them no matter how big a pocket book you have.(ferrrari's. nissans, porsches ect....
When i line up with one coming down a long straight it might be fun to have 150hp shot??? LOL
A 150Hp set-up is cheap but would it be easy to use once in awhile?
When i come out of a corner i don't have time to purge the system or anything.

Is 150hp basic set-up pretty user friendly? i would like to be as easy as nail it and flip the switch? (not all the time)
Going back to Road America in a month or so--(I get a kick out of people coming over and lookin, trying to peek underneath, afterall they think its to ugly to be FAST!)-Its Square!!!(which makes the Dart Cool)