Need some advice

Sorry bout that I posted it in Slant Six so I assumed it would be there. Yes it is a slant six I am running electronic ignition.

I was thinking it may be the spark plugs because it seems to be skipping on certain cylinders not all.

memike I like that to I am wondering if I didn't tighten the distributor down enough maybe it slipped.

Sorry :banghead: Now I see it's in the /6 forum :toothy3:
I put a new cap on mine and I seen that if I grab just the cap it will move out of place , so make sure it is setting in the grove it supposed to, and check inside your distributor cap and see if there is build up on the 6 pick up's inside the cap, I have scratched off white flacks of build up before on V8's and /6'es. How old is your coil ? it may have went south on you setting idling and got hot.
I would do a spark plug and wire check along with setting the timing a coupe degree's lower or higher and see if it helps, when it is under a load the spark advance could be moving it to far and causing it to stumble.
My /6 was running a bit warm (the needle standing straight up) so I bumped my timing down a few degrees and know it runs just a tick over the first line like it suppose to :thumrigh: