Car pics..

70dart said
Welocme aboard, not an A body but it looks to have a good body, what are the future plans for the first generation charger?
Thanks. Well, I've got it running and driving now. It was originally a 361/auto car, but I bought a donor car, and now it's a 318/auto.
It was AA1 silver with a black interior when it was new..I'm sticking with black, and it's going back silver, but it'll probably be brighter, and I've put serious thought into going with a pearl topcoat with a hint of blue.
The wheels it's got now won't stay too much longer. I'm going to buy some Centerlines..actually Centerline knock-offs..I don't want to fork over the extra cash when they would look just as nice, and cost considerably less.

I've got lots of stuff to buy to get it looking good, but it's come a long way since I got it.