Foreign cars

So true we have had a hand in our own demise, we are the ones who elected those individuals. As far as life style, I try to live as simple as I can an incourage others to do the same.
We as American middle class have in fact made the decisions that affect our economy.....NOT just the government.

You are right, what has happened to our pride in country?

When we want to make lots of cash for doing minimal work and then when we go to spend that money we want more for less, THAT is what causes what we have here.

We are all guilty of it.

Owning an old vehicle, as someone else said, is actually contributing to the problem. All of the repop parts for old vehicles pretty much come from china now......At least when you buy a new car from an american based company that is SOMETHING going to an american company at theend of the day.

But we would rather have extra money for 200 cable tv channels, iphones for 12 year olds and all sorts of things that USED to be luxuries for most decades ago. So we demand that our "necessities" be cheaply priced yet of great quality.

Back when the term "middle class american" was coined, people had a solid house, maybe a car in the driveway, a radio or TV and a few sets of decent clothes. Dad worked an 8-10 hr day and mom worked the house and raised the kids.

That was considered pretty damned successful.

Now, that would be considered lower class....LOL

These days, people cant live within the means that that lifestyle provides.

Americans have grown fat both in body and appetite for luxury. No one saves anymore, and everyone wants cheap everything.

We did this.

We have to fix this.

We have to pay more at the store, pay more in taxes and accept less pay for our work. That means we have to scale back our excessive lifestyles.

Otherwise this house of cards is bound to fall sooner or later.