Who "knows" car stereos?

just ask ur kid..but just so u know alpine is a top shelf head unit..sound like they took the subs out and left the mids/highs. i think i would just learn to operate the unit while sitting still..other then track change or vol theres not alot that needs changed while driving..if you want a diff style music set up ie. blues vs. country. im sure theres a field set up that can be switched for diff style of music, you wont have to go into advanced settings to operate it. When my son gives me a diff phone i kinda go nuts figuring it out..he says just play with it,and it will come,,hate to say the brat is right most of the time..Just remember it wont let you hurt it. I bet you get the rest of the system balanced and you will be vary happy with it..Havnt fig it out yet but some of thes kids think theres only highs or subs, they dont realize music is full spectrum..Im old but i really like my systems powerful and covering full range. learned long time ago you set a system up to play jazz and it will play anything,really well. good luck with it!!