"Nice car"

Me and a lady friend were idling around Ocean Beach in San Diego where I used to live in the Jensen Interceptor (factory 440) and this was before we had installed the 4 corner "bob truck" springs so the suspension was soft. We just put the headers and flow master 2 chambers w H pipe. Loping down the main street in town blipping the throttle occasionally.

There was a bunch of those hippie kids all on the corner waving at us to rev it up, and saying "sweet ride" comments.

I was in first and spontaneously just punched it half way to the floor. Since the springs were soft, the nose jumped 2 feet up at the sky and the car let out a balls vibrating roar that ecohed down the street. 10 people started yelling "yeaaaaaaa - whooooo!" and people actually started clapping. Must have been 10 more people just stopped in their tracks and looked.

My lady friend looked over at me with that " blinking eyeball look" and I felt pretty much like a haus at that moment.