Bad Day, Very Bad day

Late to the party again am I??? Seems a little more than coincidental that you just did a bunch of work to the engine and now you have a seized pump. I'm with Rob, it sounds like the pump is seized with some sort of debris from the break-in/recent engine work. Glad to hear that you are changing out the pump and shaft, I wouldn't try to clean or re-use any of it.

Many people think that when rebuilding an engine that you should switch to HV oil and fuel pumps, when all that is necessary is usually the standard items, especially on a mostly stock motor. How many guys out there have put in the old Carter HV fuel pump and failed to change the sending unit and line to 3/8" or larger??? You gotta remember that volume is the amount of fluid a pump can pass, but if you still have stock oil passages and fuel lines, what good is the extra volume???

Hope you get er' all back together in good time and the job is uneventful from here on out. I also doubt much harm was done, and I would run the motor as is once you repair it until something tells you otherwise!!! Good luck DM, Geof