Foreign cars

i agree wiht you. They dont deserve anything other than a swift kick in the ***. However, a 6-7 figure income to an american is better than a 6-7 figure income to a non american when it comes to the economy. The reason is the american exec will spend a lot more money IN the usa than the foreign CEO, therefore recycling money through the US economy strengthening it.

Maybe, maybe not. Remember the buying spree of Asian execs buying ranches in Montana? Middle Easterners were buying a bunch of property, also.
Ever see those lifestyle shows? (Housewives of Hell, Married to a Mafia Inmate, My 16 Year Old Just Got More Crap for Her Birthday Than You'll Ever Make....) Those Americans spend buttloads of money going to other places to spend their money. Seriously? Paris for the day for shoe shopping?