How much did you pay for your A Body

This thread is making me depressed. My wife paid, well, wayyyy too much for my Barracuda. I had a $1500 72' Charger when we were dating and had to sell it when we got married and transferred for her job. My wife always said she would get me another Mopar. She contacted the seller and had pre-arranged everything for a surprise Xmas present a few years ago. The car looked great at first. New interior, wheels, and rims, first glance it looked awesome.

After getting home and getting under it I noticed the entire suspension was shot. Wiring, cooling system, and just about everything out of sight needed to be replaced. So this "Turn Key" Xmas present has turned into another wrenching project that I don't have time to work on but she paid so much for it I can't get out from under it.

I kick myself when I see much better buys out there that cost the same as this lemon. I could have had a wayyyy cooler and complete ride for the money.

So DO look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if it has shiny black paint and silver stripes.