
Good luck Bill this is beyond me at this point, but I'm pulling for you. I can't wait to see this thing run. Hope you get it figured out.


Thanks to all who responded; lots of good advice, there!

Things I have checked:

Fuel supply.... NEW mechanical pump with lots of gas coming out the accelerator pump squirter.... from a freshly-rebuilt carb.

Cam is turning; I have checked, re-checked and re-re checked the valve clearances, and lined up the TDC marking on the damper several times. I always check that both valves are "loose" (so that it ensures that the #1 cylinder is on the power stroke) when setting TDC... sio as not to be 180 degrees off...

It has 12.4 volts at the + terminal on the coil, wired directly from the + side of the battery, using ! (one) wire.

Two different distributors, one with points, properly gapped, and one NEW magnetic pickup electronic unit, both with solid connections to the minus side of the coil.

NEW plug wires, with NO spark coming through at any time, EVER... Not even a hint of a spark.

Rotor properly oriented on the shaft when initially set at TDC.

Ground is the only iffy thing.

I am going back down there this morning to delve further into the problem....

I am sure that since the coil has 12.4 volts being fed into it from the + terminal, and there's no hint of a spark, anywhere, at any time, the problem lies with the make/break signal from the distributor not ever getting to the coil.... from 2 different distributors.

Maybe that wire is bad.... on two different distributors?

Grounds will be examined and increased in number.

I REALLY appreciate all the good input and advice!!!!

I'll have a report, tonight, one way or another....

Doesn't help that the car is outside, and the forecast high is 98 degrees.... whew!!!