How much did you pay for your A Body

I paid $4500 6 years ago(just a guess at least 6 maybe 7) it was just about as it sits...all I added were the stripes, Wing, and rims to offset the red...when I got it it was nice but just lacked something..I think the stripes,wing,rims set it off nicely. Its a #'s matching 340/727 73 Dart Sport 340.

this was the car(id added the wing in this Pic I believe but it didnt have it on when I got it..that was my first addition ) when I got it for $4500

this was the car when I got the stripes,rims,wing on it....some people thought I got a whole different car lol

as it sits not including the purchase price i have about $$6500 in it give or take $500