How much did you pay for your A Body

free from my grandfather in Alabama. It was their second car and he had been asking my dad if he wanted to restore it. My dad kept saying no until I found out about it my freshman year in high school and said I wanted it. So sophmore year, we went down for thanksgiving with a set of 14x5 wheels (got the tires while we were there) and he had it out in the drive way.

The interior when I bought it and we just put the dinky little 13s that were on it in the back.

and now

I'm too poor to buy rear tires and wheels, plus we have to fab up a couple of brackets for the panhard bar that needs to go in first and pull the rear end over 1/2 inch so the side you see won't drag on the lip and the inside.

I've gone up 2 inches in dia in front to 15s, 1 in back (14), and I eventually want to put 17s on it.