She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

Looking great John :colors: and as allways I love each page of good music and watching your repair work and making pieces of the puzzle to fit and even if it takes 3 to 4 trial shots at it you end up with the perfect peace that fits.
Doing this work in your drive way and in the heat we are being subjected to shows me great devotion and strength on your part :rock: the need to listen to the metal and mend this very nice more door Dart :colors:
I hope a fender comes your way soon so you can get it on the road so you can sell the van :) The trial fit looks perfect and You my friend have what it takes to get things dun :rock: Thank you for a very kewl and informative thread
It won't be long now :tongue9::glasses8:

Heeeeyyyy Memike!
Been busy as you see so I haven't been able to read much other FABO lately. How has your Victoria been doing of late? Did ya clear coat the "finger of God" burn mark on her fender? If ya did, don't forget the tribute pinstripes of the date below the strike zone! LOL!!
Nice hearing from you!! Thanks for the night out!

Didn't get to post last night. I got kinda sick from heat. I was at the big yard getting a splash shield and had to remove a fender with only a large common screw at 11..! LOL!!
Stay tuned for next update later today. Junk yard/screwdriver story to follow, after I recoop from heat stroke.
Your friend, John.