changing colors 71 dart 1 man home resto.

I was stopped at a drawbridge the other day and the guy in the car behind me get out on his phone and holds it to my exhaust..haha I also gave it a little goose on the throttle for him, he thanked me.:rock:
I need to head over to the Time to Get Started thread and see you progress memike.

I have not seen a draw bridge in many years :colors:
I know what you mean looking threw our threads, Mine goes back and forth, sort of taking one step forward and 3 steps back at times :tongue9:
You will see that mother nature is following Leanna's parts she has dun and striking her wrath upon here work along with taking here shop out.
Victoria is up and running beautifully :colors:, But my computer has quit down loading pictures from my camera for some reason :pale:, I will get my brother Ken to figure it out if I can take him away from his work and family
Thus the reason I had nothing for the TGIF thread this Strongend :glasses8: