moldex 2.96 stroke crank

Those 8K-9K rpm motors had race budgets, full teams, extra motors, and staff at the race shop to maintain their motors.

And they still broke a lot of motors in 1970 trans am. RPM is tough $$$ on valvetrain.
I'm still wondering how these guys pay for it ! They had crews Kenworth tractor trailers , some had huge motor home tent set ups and they race balls to the wall , a few toasted motors over the weekend ! They are either billionares racing for the fun , have big sponsors , or they just don't give a F and put every penny into the car and race . Man it takes a HUGE budget to run , and they came from all around the US and europe !
event photos from le cirvuit , I have others but they had camera men EVERYWHERE !!

Here is a Camaro running before the race , ear shattering when close by
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