moldex 2.96 stroke crank

I'm still wondering how these guys pay for it ! They had crews Kenworth tractor trailers , some had huge motor home tent set ups and they race balls to the wall , a few toasted motors over the weekend ! They are either billionares racing for the fun , have big sponsors , or they just don't give a F and put every penny into the car and race . Man it takes a HUGE budget to run , and they came from all around the US and europe !
event photos from le cirvuit , I have others but they had camera men EVERYWHERE !!

Here is a Camaro running before the race , ear shattering when close by
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

Those people all have BIG bucks. Many are "arrive and drive". Meaning thier cars is housed and maintained by a private race service and the car is delivered to the track prepped and ready. They just bring thier helmet and jump in. Most the cars don't get the prep and fine tuning that a real competitive race car will. The crews aren't that big for the amount of cars they watch over.

Also, those vintage classes don't have much for enforced rules. Many of them run "big" motors.

And that's nothing. We just rent circle track Nascar cars to teenagers less than six figures (but well on the closer side) a season when you figure their damage repairs.