Best Western I've ever seen

and I'm not even done watching it.

Was in the thrift store and picked up a VHS copy of "The Man who shot Liberty Valance", in BLACK AND WHITE, with John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Lee Marvin as the awful, the terrible, the criminal Liberty Valance, and Andy Devine as the town drunk gutless non-gun town marshall.

I don't know HOW I never didn't see this incredible work over the years.

It is just one more illustration of why people like Vin Diesel should be prevented by Federal Law from every acting in anything.

Yes, "The Man who shot Liberty Valance", that's an excellent move. Another good western in a similar vein is High Noon, with Gary Cooper. The town's people refusing to help the Sheriff when a small band of outlaws return to take revenge. More drama, than the shoot 'em up stuff.