Emergency: Trying to change oil pump on 65 again

Finally I got the pump on my 65 Valiant's 170. It was still a pain. I had cleaned up the pump and put new gaskets and seals. I had to reuse the cover seal because the new o-ring kept falling as I was trying to bolt the cover on. I hope it doesn't leak, it was still pliable and had no cracks or tears. The pump passed all Chrysler inspection measurements so I cleaned it and put it back on. It was so hard to get on it doesn't even look clean anymore from all the mud and grease that got on it after my gloves tore. It's on though and I put a new filter on. I primed it a little before putting it on but I'm sure it probably all drained out by the time the fighting was done. I also got my brand new motor mounts installed and the motor is bolted back to the frame. Now it's just the accessories and then I will try and fire it up. Hopefully no more than a few weeks.