Paint removal - my low$ method

ehhhhh.....Ill stick to real paint stripper.

go to walmart and go to the dry wall puddy/paint/varnish/acetone...ect...ect... section and you can get a gallon of oaint stripper for like $8.00 (I think mine is in a yellow can ....I want to say the brand name is talstrip).

its light blue in color jelly like liquid.

the stuff stinks badly so I recommend having your garage door open and better yet having a fan on.....and it will sting when it touchs your skin so you need to wear rubber gloves.

but man oh man is it a much more convenient and faster method .

I didnt have to wait 24 hours or nothing.

in a matter of an hour or 2 the job was done. applied the stuff to my engine bay with a paint brush (wrinkles the paint in a matter of minutes) scrape it off, and apply a second coat and scrape it off and was basically done.

and yes using a heavy grit sand paper on the paint prior to applying a stripper will help in lifting the paint ALOT.

here is a couple of pictures from when I stripped my engine bay last year.