race veterans plz help!!!!!!!

Assuming you're getting enough fuesl, I think "pettybluedart" gave you the best answer.
While a trick carb is grea , you can make the best of what you got & in this case, again I think he gave you a good answer. I'm curious-what do the plugs look like? If it were me, I'd find a quiet place & launch the car a few times & immeditaely shut it off & read the plugs. Once you know what the cylinders are "seeing" you'll know which way to go with the carb settings.......

This is golden information right here. Like hemicop says, pettybluedart gave some great information. But I would want to know exactly what the plugs are seeing.
One rule I learned about drag racing that served me the best, "lean is mean!" When you start seeing little sparkles (piston) on the plugs after a pass, you need to fatten it up a little. :D