What;s wrong with kids these days?

I agree to a certain extent, but that takes us back to the ACLU. It is a issue that has many ramifications. A lot of businesses are hurt by smoking bans, mom and pop places, places the shift workers from the factories go, college students fequent, etc......

There needs to be a middle road to all of this, you should have the right not to be unindated with the smoking and the smokers should also have the right to smoke. We allow drinking public places, bars, concerts, etc.....and alcohol kills a **** ton of people every year second handly I might add... yet we place limited restiction on that.... but Smoke and your the scourge of the earth...that makes no sense to me.....

there are no easy answer to this.........

You're right....there is no easy answer to this but mainly it centers around big money when we talk about booze and and smoking.

And the fact that some businesses have made their livings off of booze and nicotine shouldnt disguise the issue.

There are plenty of businesses that make money off of illegal activity in some way shape or form and they are gone after no holds barred.

Just because smoking has been accepted til now doesnt mean it cant and should not be UN-accepted.

Both are addictions and both are substances that man is perfectly biologically able to live without until he becomes addicted to them.

Yet they have been socially acceptable for so long we have lost sight that they are (potentially) deadly poisons we artificially introduce into our bodies.....sometimes killing us slowly....and we pay the makers of the stuff for the priveledge. That plus the gubment maling tons of $$$$ on it.

We sure always defer back to the natural state of man when the "rights" of people are considered.

Yes, you have the right to kill yourself by tobacco or alcohol.

But seeing as the natural state of the average human is to breath fresh air and not filth (at least not on purpose) and drink water and fluids that DONT rot ya from the inside out, why should the smokers/drinkers "right" to use them trump my right to NOT be subjected to any of the risks?

I dont have a problem with smoking in bars. Get the two substances together and that way you thin the herd even quicker....LOL

But at a concert or a family event I shouldnt have to sit next to some couple smoking like goddamn freight trains for 2 hours straight.

Sure I could ask nicely for them to move. Or I could move (and find alother nice couple smoking like trains).

Much easier to say that since smoking is an addictive substance and one that will kill you, it should be illegal.

No, there arent people shooting up ****** at a fireworks event or while standing on the street corner waiting for a bus......and there is a reason....it is ILLEGAL. Sure, people still do it.....in private, where it doesnt affect ME.

I am not a fan of regulating more and more either.

It would be nice if everyone could just think of others FIRST before lighting up or driving after drinking......but the addictions are so strong, courtesy goes out the window.

So what do you do? Should non-smokers just ahve to deal with it until the smokers either die off as a sub-culture or they themselves die?

That isnt right either.