What;s wrong with kids these days?

Addictions are a funny thing. People that are addicted try and justify their addiction any way possible. The fact of the matter is that its your body and your mind and you can control it whatever way you want. If you want to quit and can't...its not the addiction, it's your will power. You don't actually want to quit, it's just wishful thinking on your part. If something isn't easy, people give in and just accept it as being something that is too hard for them to do.

There are less kids smoking these days than in years past, so the title of this thread is *** backwards.

As far as smoking in bars, I'm in 100% agreement with the ban. When smoking, you bother every around you that isn't a smoker. In fact, you can completely ruin their night without even knowing it. You can have a few beers and not bother a soul so they aren't even comparable. I've had plenty of outings ruined by people smoking around me. Smokers usually have no respect for the people around them. They don't remember how horrible it was riding in the car as kids while their parents were smoking. Having a sore throat all the time because you couldn't get away from it.

If a law came out banning it from everywhere other than designated areas, I'd vote for it in a second.