What;s wrong with kids these days?

Good for you! You may have helped that kid take a step toward kicking a filthy habit.

(rant mode ON) :protest:

For anyone who still smokes in this day and age, with all the medical documentation of how bad smoking is for you, I have to ask......"Why?"

If its JUST addiction, well there are cures for that these days if one wants it bad enough.

I watched my old man "try" to quit smoking and he always found excuses to go back.

It can be done.

Just don't make the purchase to begin with.

Just like dealing with obesity -- if the Twinkies aren't in the house, its much harder to eat one.

My grandmother smoked like a train (they tell me) up until age 40 or so. One day she quit cold turkey. Never picked up a cancer stick again and she died at age 89 from a heart attack.....but clean as a fiddle, cancer wise. And she quit back in the 60s when it was still "cool" and accepted widely.

I still cant understand how smoking ever got to be "cool" in the first place.

Its expensive, it stinks when you are doing it, it makes both your breath and your body stink, it makes your teeth look like something out of a bad horror movie, it has been proven to kill you and its just a vile disgusting habit.

And while I aam ranting...LOL.....

Smokers -- please dont assume your smoking problem should be my problem.
Its ok to throw your slobber-covered butt into my yard or street for me to have to deal with but if I toss a scraps of paper out the window of my car I can get fined $500. Go figure.

And when I am outside trying to enjoy the fresh air the last damn thing I need is to take a nice deep breath of "fresh" air only to find that instead I get lung full of putrid smoke that you have exhaled.


And ladies.....it makes you look terrible!

There will be times when I see a good looking lady...cute face, pretty eyes, nice body... and then she pulls out a cigarette and sticks it in her face. It just hangs there, smoldering. Instant turn off. Blech. Like kissing a toilet.

The saddest part, like you said, is with the kids. They dont know any better. They see the adults they look up to doing it and imitate.

I pray I can keep my two boys (both under 12) off of them.....we try and point out how nasty it is without necessarily forbidding them (because we all know how well forbidding a kid to do anything works...LOL)

Its legalized drug use and the only reason it hasn't been completely banned everywhere is because big tobacco has greased the right palms.

We have a government that preaches about drug use and then they collect taxes on nicotine and alcohol.

People can smoke in public...spewing filth into the air others breath, giving no choice to those who do not want to ....littering our sidewalks and adding to the healthcare crisis slowly but surely.

Yet they arrest pee wee herman for waxing his knob in a dark movie theatrer...which hurts no one but its illegal because its "immoral".

Go figure. LOL

Ok....rant mode off....LOL :protest:

Not looking to offend any smokers here...I know it an addiction. But take charge of your life and DO something about it....there will always be "a reason to smoke." But look at all the reasons NOT to.

Asktoro, you have only been smoking for 3 years.......it will be much easier to quit now than in 5 or 10 or 30 years, and by that point the damage will have been done. You have the chance NOW to quit.

DO IT! Spend the money you would have spent on cigarettes on car parts..... :)
I don't want you or the government to dictate to me what I can or can't do, whether it be smoking a cigarette or anything else.
You preach about banning them, well why not ban beer or hard booze? How about chewing gum? Coffee? Yeah, lets regulate everything people make a decision to do, this way we'll be one step closer to a Police State...which is where we're headed.
I don't throw butts out the car window anymore. I did years ago, but now I knock the heads off and throw them out when I get home. I don't expect anyone else to do it, though, and I don't cry like a little ***** when someone else does it.

If we're out in PUBLIC and you don't like the smell of the cigarette I'm smoking, then MOVE.