2 months of work

Thanks guy's!!!:toothy8: Im excited by this. It's shown me that I DICTATE the terms now. In spite of all,I did it anyways.

The secret to no leaks involves pre cleaning the pipe with acetone,etc and using a very small amount of flux .Plus,you dont touch it with your bare hands if at all possible as skin oil seems to be a negative factor in a solder joint. I used lead free solder,it's silver bearing and cost's $24 per spool at Canadian tire,lol. a Green kitchen scotchbrite pad worked the best for sanding the joints,but I also used some 180 grit which seemed too harsh.And next time around Im going to use an sos pad and lots of water on each length first and then proceed...

In fact 90% of the supplies are made in Canada or U.S.A. Pricey but it seems to be good quality stuff. The first 5 12 ft lengths I purchased several years ago when copper was low. It was $12 for 12 feet. Now it's $24 for 12ft and we plan on buying one here and there to replace the cold water lines eventually

Zhanfull,I TRIED to burn it down but that damn 1930 era timber just dont burn,lol.

The scorch marks are from the old propane torch which did it's best to contaminate each joint. I switched to a mpp gas torch with an electronic trigger and had no further problems. In fact ,things went Much smoother!

You got it Rob! I am NOT a fan of plastic period. I wont get into it..Im biased and I can live with it ,lol!:rock:. It works fine for drains but not my water.

Copper is safe and some say it has beneficial effects on the water? Im also thinking that down the road most folks will be ripping alll that plastic out of thier water systems.Yes Im paraniod!:protest:

Anyways I've been a busy lad and paid the price many times over blah etc. Im getting used to it. Plus the Doc and I switched my pain meds. The benefit to my mood and outlook are great but the pain is still bad. So we move on to another med soon.

That being said I will take a bow:notworth::notworth: and thank you for your support and friendship!