Paint removal - my low$ method

aslong as you are smart about it and don't pour tons of the stripper on, it wont gob up in nooks and crannies.

I used a solution of soapy water to neutralize it and then wiped the whole thing down with wax and grease remover,then smoothed everything off,primed and painted. paint is still holding up like bubbles,no rust or nothing...over a year later,I have done multiple cars like this ..all with good results.

I can understand what you are talking about though how it could ruin paint work if not properly done......but that is more of a fault of whoever is doing the work...not the product just have to make sure to take your time and do as the instructions say.

not saying blasting isnt a better method because it is.....but I didnt have access to a blaster,didnt want to deal with the dust,didnt want to be sweeping sand up from everywhere and getting all the sand out from all the cracks and I choice to do the stripping method.

either way you go though....your going to make a mess lol.