What;s wrong with kids these days?

Wow......no need to make it personal.....or was it just meant to be condescending?
You should take neither way.

I guess that, from your reply, you are a Doctor specializing in addiction and what makes it tick and so you ARE qualified?

More qualified than you'll ever been, from the been there done that camp to start.

If not, then you and I could very well be in the same boat as far as speaking from experience.
Your comments show no exp. or intelligence on the matter.

As far as addiction goes, the treatment of addicitions has become much more of a science and going clean, whatever the addiction, is very attainable these days if the person really wants to.
Want and will are 2 different things. This is a basic thing to know and understand. Your writing this shows you know nothing about addiction.

A - I dont litter and I abhore those who do.
B - I have seen people nailed for littering. I have never seen anyone nailed for tossing a butt.
The reverse is what I have exp. several times. I've seen cig smokers ticketed for ash. One day riding the motorcycle with my freind, he puts his cig out on the street with a crush. TICKETED! Officer sez, use an ash tray. If you had one, you would not be ticketed today." Can ya beileve that? It's true dispite the unbeileveableness of it.
C - I dont smoke
I cut this one short. You have made your feelings clean on smoking and repeating it only makes you sound like a kid throwing a tanturm. So, with the only words quoted, this is a no brainer.

along with polluting the air I breath just because they have a habit and need a fix.
In the bold; This is a far fetched log of bologna. The pollution you complain about is something of an anouyance at a min. to you, but a complete bag of Chit to complain about once you added the words togther, poluting the air. Between the cars we drive, indusrty, power surply, even the crap rotting in the feilds in compost, smoke from butt's is a amount unworthy to tally. Have you seen the tally of cig butt polutionm on TV?

I thought not.

Although, you have seen it from Cars, planes, buss, industy, fast food service, power plants like coal, oil burning electric plants.

All your doing here is bitching like a baby and spewing non-sense of notion.

To those smokers who consider their addiciton/habit more important than others' right to breath clean air I say :finga:

Once your addicted to something, you'll be reverseing a few words. You down play addiction like it is a finger nail to be clipped.
Once your addicted to something, at one point in time or another,NOTHING is more IMPORTANT!

The closest I can get for you to understand and hopefuly stop making a fool of your self with these insanly stupid posts that are showing the world just how dumb and unitell. you are is this ridiculous comparo.

Dude, your addiction is;

1. Water
2. Food

Now do without and let me know when your about to cave in. I'll help you brake the addictrion by any means possible just to help cure you of eating or drinking water.

Better yet, the air you breath is a addiction.

This is your addiction , even though it is a stupid one to even type out. But that is your monkey that rides your back.

Now, imagine some asswipe, that knows absoultely nothing about addiction coming on here and spewing the most retarded dumb *** things you almost ever read showing just how unintelligent and moronic they are.

This would be you by the way. Seriously.

Great idea but cant do it...because then you would have to deny benefits to anyone doing anything unhealthy in any way shape or form. You can thank the lawyers and the ACLU for that.
There covering your *** too ya know or maybe even someone you know and love.

throwing butts where I live. Oh, but now its a problem and a quetsion of smokers' RIGHTS. LOL
I have and will continue to put out my smokes on my shoe or rubbed out on the ground where ever I am, however, if theres no place to dispose of them, beileve it or not, I do pocket them. I agree there should be some cooth thinking on what people are doing and how it effects others. But this problem of not caring and lack of cooth is not just a simple thing that is a smokers issue.
It extends to ever one every where on some level. Others opinions will judge the factor and level of intencity.

I (regretably) know a few people that want our cars crush out of exisitance NOW! There a greater offender than smoking, nuke bombs, terrorists. We, the car hobby people must be stopped! In there eyes, it's #1 on there list.

This is there point of view and right. So smokers have rights as well as the real A-holes with chips on there shoulders.

To me its very simple:

Your mental comfort versus my physical comfort.

Again, you show no itelligence on the subject. It is not that simple and only a simplemind would boil it down that much in there own favor. The more you type, the stupider you show yourself.

You should absoultely do this;

Be quite, otherwise, when you speak (type it here) you remove all doubt that you are a complete idiot. Look thatword up, just so you know.

It's amazing, you just keep on talking and making little sense on the issue of smoking and the ease of what you think it is to quit.

I know a few that have gone cold turkey on quiting smoking. Myself included.
When you exp. your self on the floor helpless and just waiting until the body stops freaking out crushing you from within on the verge of crying, I say, welcome to the first withdraw feeling that only grows stronger and seriously turns you into a puddle of ****. That would be the first one of many to come and do not stop for years. Though they wean in strength.