What;s wrong with kids these days?

I'd love to address the whole moral issue, but it's a waste of my time to argue witha dolt who thinks that theres no difference in a playground and a adult movie house when the word "Public" is incountered.

While children should never be in an adult movie house or other settings, and I know non were present that night, it is still a public place. Pay entrey or not. If anyone can walk in, and don't split hairs on age now, it's public.
Via invite is not. AKA Private party.

I'll question the way you raise your kids real fast since you just opened up a can of worms on yourself by placing so little on the issue, and think it OK for P-Wee to do so in that place.

What are you teaching your kids? Wacking it in a movie house is OK?

Again, shut down the typeing fingers before you do more damage to yourself.