Menifee , Ca. VL29C1E ...

My Demon's build date is 9/18/1970, and its sequence number is 107309. That car would have been scheduled to be built 6000 cars before mine. 1343rd car scheduled to be built in LA in 1971. Nice and early.
Is your Demon also an L.A. ( v.i.n. character "E" ) built car , or Hamtramck
( v.i.n. character "B" )?
I'm sure that Hamtramck had a much-higher volume build criteria than L.A. , as Hamtramck built "odd-ball" , Special Order and Export-Spec cars ( as well as Hemi's , convertibles and other cars which L.A. wasn't equipped to build ).

It's too bad that the fender tag was missing , as I could've ascertained the car's scheduled build date , whether it was a Special Order ( why a Hi-Impact colour on an otherwise stripped-down model ? ) , and whether my assumption is correct about its Hi-Impact status ( it may have been Vitamin C as well [ EK2 ] , but it's pretty oxidised from the southwest's searing Sun ) .