Need some home A/C help/advice/thoughts

Well I am feeling pretty blessed right now..........

The shop had both the capacitor and a motor in stock.....its one of those places where you just know the guys know their stuff.....

The guy tested the capacitor first and that was the issue...dead fan leg on the capacitor.

I bought the new motor anyways, even though he said its probably fine......I figured that for an extra $100 it was worth it.....already had the old one out, which is 25 years old.....

took abouit a half hour tops to install and another to button up the sheetmetal/covers.

I HAVE AC AGAIN! :clapping: Fired right up. Its been running non stop since 2:45, so I guess its fixed.

House started at 88 degrees then and is now down to 76.

Thanks all for the advice and info!