I did something REALLY STUPID today! (some rant)

To cut to the chase a guy who lived about 100 miles from me had some parts I have been looking for to put on the Dart and we had several phone conversations about this. I called him late last night and made an arrangement to drive to his place to make a purchase. Since I have done this many times before without any issues (and made even longer trips) nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I knew the town he lived in and had a general idea of where to go. I had his number so this morning I just hit the road for a two hour drive. Now comes the problem.
I arranged to call him when I was getting close and get the specific details on which road to turn on, what herd of cows to look for, what barn to turn at etc. and did just that. Well, his phone was now disconected per Verizons recorded message. Im only about 10 miles from his place and had to turn around and go back home, another 100 miles (this is the point where you laugh out of control by the way). Now I have done deals like this too many times to remember. I am a truck driver and drive 400 to 500 miles a day so a 100 mile trip is nothing to me. Oh, it gets better!!
I tried calling about 20 times on the way back and still the same recording, UNTIL I GET IN MY DRIVEWAY!! NOW the phone suddenly is working, (if you were laughing before you are ROFLYAO now)!! The trip went without any issues and It felt good to get out and just take a ride. I ask myself what went wrong in regards to the phone, out of minutes, bill not paid?? It was not a roaming issue or anything like that, just the recorded message? Dont know?? I turned my phone off so I dont know if the guy ever tried to call me back but I bet he has!!
From ths day on I will NEVER make a trip with out complete info, home address, secondary number, firm confirmation with a solid commitment prior to any more road trips. In addition I am going to just pay out a little more and have stuff shipped instead. I am asking myself why I did this trip in the first place. I have been searching for a straight front bumper, headlight and wiper switches with nice chrome knobs and retaining bolts, carpet extension trim and a pair of them little clips with the buttons on them that hold down the package tray. I have had like no luck finding them and this guy says his were what I wanted in the condition I wanted so in desperation I made the trip. Im starting to think I am reaching a little too far to find this stuff and now I am taking some steps backwards and cooling things off a little. I will just keep posting on all the websites and just WAIT!!