headlight upgrade

I used to run Cibie euro non-sealed headlights back in the late 60s/early 70s. Back when they were illegal to run on US roads. On low beam, you could walk out 75 ft. in front of the car, squat down until the cut-off was on the tip of your nose and the light would not blind you. On high beams you could light up road reflectors at 1/2 mile.
Got caught with them on my truck in Cal. in 1976. Stupid car refused to dim his lights so after flashing my high beams twice, I left them on.
It was a CHP.

Yeah, the CHP was especially two-faced about it. This was back when they routinely carried out extensive tests of tires, brakes, lights, and other vehicle components. They formally tested CibiƩ and Marchal E-code headlamps and were very enthusiastic about them, calling them "the most effective headlamps this agency has ever tested" in a detailed report they shared with the Federal DOT. Didn't stop them busting private motorists for daring to install good headlamps on their cars. :roll: