Oil Leak

Tracy, I do understand what you are saying regarding the O ring seal that sets in the groove around the dist. and how it sets against the sides of the opening in the block. the chip in the casting around the block does not extend through to this area so the dist MUST be leaking around the base due to not seating down properly. I have taken off the sender at the tube for the gauge and have used liquid Teflon on it so I am 99% sure it is not leaking at the sender. The intake manifold by all indications looks to be sealing well also at the base of the back edge where it meets the block. That only leave the dist not sitting flush in the hole in relation to the shaft. If the oil pump shaft is the culprit than how could I go about getting the dist to sit flush. Example: I know the oil pump shaft is down as far as i can seat it into the pump and it is meshed into the camshaft gear, and I know that the slot is into the grooved hole in the oil shaft but the larger shaft on the distributor is "bottomed out" against the top of the oil pump shaft and the dist is twisted into the gear and is still sitting too high so as not to seat down flat against the block surface. What could i do about this? because I am starting to believe that this is the cause of the oil leaking. There is defiantly a leak at the dizzy and it kind of seems like this may be the cause of it. I tried to pull the oil pump shaft out using a large flat bladed screwdriver but the antenna magnet I was trying to pull it out with does not have enough power to hold the shaft as i pull up and it lets go and drops back into the spline. i tried two magnets and still no success in pulling it out.

Hey Tom, Ok. The reason I mentioned the sender is I have also seen them leak oil out through the plastic, not just from the threads. I bet I've changed at least 100 over the yrs. that were leaking. Plus since you said it doesn't leak at an idle, only when you rev it up (when the oil pressure goes up) that made me think it was possible a leaking sender. Using a mirror like Rob mentioned is a great way to see exactly where it's coming from. If you determine it is the oil pump shaft is too long and not letting the dist. fall all the way in let me know as I have a dist. shaft that I know is the right length I can measure to let you know how long it needs to be. Your using the same method I use to get the shaft out but it sounds like you just need a stronger magnet. I have one I got from Sears that's super strong and it snatches them out every time. It also has a light on it so you can see what your going after. You might check into one as their real handy. Good luck