I am one proud Demon owner!

Mother always told me to blow my own horn because nobody else will, so here goes.

In order to get collector car insurance here you have to get an appraisel done by an appraiser of thier choice. I talked to the guy on the phone today and set it up for him to do it tonight.

Seeing as this was my first total restoration of a car, and the fact that a-bodies are not the most desirable cars, my expectations were not all that high. He found some flaws, but nothing to serious. He also said there is some detailing to be done.

I figured all along that it would appraise for somewhere around $15,000 tops.

He blew my socks off when he handed me the sheet. It said, drum rollllllllll, $22,800.
That just floored me. He also told me that after some detailing and wet sanding and buffing, that he could see no problem selling the car for close to $30,000.

The comment on the sheet says, "This is a strongly built muscle car with many mechanical additions". He rated it as a 2.5 with points being taken away for not being a numbers car.

I was thinking to myself that this guy must be on drugs. It turns out that he is the president of one of the local car clubs, has been appraising cars for 30 years and is a big time Mopar guy. (has a 'cuda himself).

Anyway, I figured I would blow my own horn and puff my chest out.
