This will NOT look good in divorce court

Wow..It is a shame when they go to court, no matter who is in the wrong all they look at is how much he makes and how much she makes and thats how they will determine how much she will get $$$ wise. When it comes to the house, and other assets, here in PA it is pretty much 65% hers and 35% his. The courts are so unfair to the men..

I fought for my kids 16 years ago in court, i was told by the judge in court that the only way they would take the kids away from the Mother is if you can prove drug abuse or Prositution. The court systems suck.

I think the divorce rate is so high due to the women get a nice pay day when they seek a divorce. It should be simple, 50-50 split on all assets and $100 a week per kid..And I would bet the divorce rates would be alot lower.

I have seen people have 3 kids by 3 different dads to get 3 checks a week. I have never had a problem paying child support in my past, and have always helped and paid more the ordered for my kids. My kids now live with me and have for the past 5 years...

Sorry to vent, but again PA courts SUCK for Men...