whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

I'm a mailman and thus invisible. I have seen a ton of stuff.
I've seen "business" transactions, I've walked up on kids smoking pot, a couple of gay guys sucking face, domestic fights, meth labs, naked people, car chase's and a nude fat woman on a bike.
The most memorable thing though,
I had a certified letter for an address. That means I had to have someone sign for the letter. I knocked on the door, and waited. I heard a lady say "come on in", I knocked again, I hear the lady say "you can just come on in"
So, I did. I opened the door and there stood the lady in a hot bustier thing.
When she saw it was me and not who she thought, she freaked out!\\:D/ I just turned around and went back out the door.
I never just "come on in" any more.