whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

Downtown Los Angeles , in an alley between 9th and 10th , just east of Alameda .

Those streets are one-way ( 9th runs west , 10th runs east ) ; I parked my delivery vehicle on 9th for easy access to I-10 , and walked down the alley to a shop on 10th. In said alley , I saw a hobo "parked" ***-first against a building's wall ( this is east Skid Row after all ) , but didn't think anything of it .

5 minutes later , I'm walking back through that same alley when I saw why that hobo was against the wall :
There was a big ol' shotgun blast of diarrhea on the wall :tongue2:.
The best part was the item used to "clean up" with : a t-shirt with "I LOVE L.A." silkscreened on it !
Soon as I saw that , the Randy Newman song started playing in my head .

I couldn't stop laughing for about 10 minutes after seeing that .

Then there's this hobo I used to see in North Hollywood .
He'd sit "Indian Style" on the shoulder of the Roscoe Bl to CA 170 on ramp holding a sign which read : "Will WORK for KARMA" .

I brought a camera to work with me and snapped a photo of him
( which pissed the guy for -some- reason ... :pirat: ) while I was waiting for a green light before the on ramp .

I misplaced the photo ... :cwm21: