MP 528 cam vacuum


You should have at least stuck it in 110* =2* advance jmo

If you run the cam 4-5* advanced with a single plane;ll get about 9 inches at idle w/4spd
If you run the cam like above but with a dual plane'll get about 12 inches vac at idle w/4spd.

If you run the cam 2* advanced with single plane you'll get about 8 inches vac at idle w/4spd

if you do as above but use a dual plane'll get about 10 inches at idle w/4spd

all stated manifold vacuum was measured @8-850 rpm with a 4spd trans.

you could not possibly use a power valve less than 6.5-7.5 unless you really have 8.1 compression...

I've run this cam every which way to know.