oh ****... cross your fingers everyone.

My daughter, now 17 and finishing up drivers ed...... has been a great kid for me. I count my blessings. She did give me a few very upsetting nights, threw me a major curve ball and is a pain in the *** with homework and a clean room.

However, if this is all I gotto ***** about, I think I'm doin really good.

She was raised with a plastic sppon she has to put in her mouth. Not spoiled, constantly watched and mentored for the way you would want the world to be like. Polite, the basic pleasentries, please, thank you, etc....

Mold'em well, start right away and get on them to do right. And when it comes to punishment, never back down or relent when the cry, whine, pout and make it easy for them. Make sure you and your wife are on the same page with this. Going easy only makes for spoiled brats.

I have really enjoyed my daughter.