What irks you

people who choose a cam by the way it "sounds"


Those stupid stick on hood scoops.

YEA! Like, WTF is thatall about?!?!?!

An engine compartment with piles of chrome, headers, or non factory in some way and they ask "you like my restoration?'

I love this question and normaly anser, "You mean this one? (Point to said engine) Well, to be honest,...."
Then run amok with whatis wrong like I have 2 min's left in my life to read War and Peace, the Holy Bible and Websters dictonary. But hey, they asked! I won't be a jerk and point it out as a free-be.

Also it irks me when people are stuck up and unfriendly when you come look at their car.

In addition to the unfreindly look, the "restorer guy comes over and points everything out, that isn't stock." It's even more annoying when said Fudge packer gets on his extra hi-horse with self ponificating patting of his back while degrading your efforts of the restoration, though, clearly, your car is a race/hot rodded machine.

People who criticize and don't have a car of thier own...

Read above. There should be a shot gun available that kills people for 10 min.'s. So, when they wake up, they can say, "Gee, I must have been an "A" hole supreme."

License plate frames with messages.

50/50 on this one. If it sez something rightous, like, "I get mine from Direct Connection" or I love big chest women, free mustache rides, Fords blow, Chevy sucks, togther they make a fine "69", etc....... I thnk I'm OK with it.

The one that say, "I love Sharron" which really means I was beat into submission to put this here cuz I'm a totaly whipped mommas boy sitting on a stick my wife gave me....


"Thanks to my wife" Which means, "Hunny, thanks for allowing me the use of the money I earned while you got fat eatting bon-bon's watching Opra at home"