Ok so lets really talk K-members here Folks

basically what i'm saying/asking is to stop all the talk and show it to us, lets see the thing in corners, lets see prices, lets see this thing produced and on the street with real world feedback. anything less is just talk and means nothing. look i don't care what frontend a guy wants to use. as long as its safe because that damn thing may just be out on the road with my family. all i need is some straight line set up trying to take a corner and no being able to do it and take out my family.. thats not cool man... thats all my question is about...

And with that, I agree.

I was just seeing some down right negativity coming out in this thread that I didn't think the guy really deserved. He may end up with a suspension system that only works on the track, or he may end up with a world beater. Who knows? I'm saying give the guy some encouragement and maybe a prop or two for at least trying.