OUCH!!! Man accidentally shoots himself in crotch.

Man accidentally shoots himself in crotch

A suburban Phoenix man is recovering after police say he accidentally shot himself in the ***** while putting his girlfriend's gun in the waistband of his pants.

Chandler police say 27-year-old Joshua Seto and his fiancee, Cara Christopher, were walking toward a grocery store when the shooting happened last week. The gun fired, striking Seto's ***** and continuing through his left thigh.

The Arizona Republic reports a 911 operator told Christopher to apply direct pressure to the wound with a dry towel or T-shirt.

Police Det. Seth Tyler was unsure of the type of gun, or whether it had a safety that was off. He also says it's unclear if Seto has been released from the hospital or suffered any permanent damage.

In the wake of the shooting, Tyler warned residents to use holsters, not waistbands, if they're going to carry a handgun.

The Associated Press