To our cousins in the US...

I would recommend that the Canadians buying from people in the US state very clearly every time that you want it shipped through the Post Office and NOT UPS or FedEx. USPS and UPS are too similar, maybe, and since the shipper doesn't necessarily know about brokerage fees, spell it out every time, including an explanation of why you do not want UPS and FedEx. Really spell it out.

Heck, even if someone asks for USPS (not necessarily Canadians), I may be inclined to ship FedEx ground because it's way more convenient for me. Sending stuff USPS is a PITA here. The local post offices close from 12:00 to 1:00 every day, and it takes me about 45 minutes to drive to the post office and back, which is time I miss work. and the local carrier will drive by my house each day, leaving a package on my porch and not pick it up. Some say it's super easy, but the service isn't the same everywhere.

I guess my point is that if I was Canadian, I'd totally agree with you, but you need to explain the situation every single time to your seller.