To our cousins in the US...

Real (peameal) bacon? Or that strip-shaped stuff the Americans think is called "bacon"?

American Bacon. No way in hell I could swallow a piece of Canadian Bacon whole! :D

I wonder what his experience is like at the border. when I was taking an axle across the border back in June, I thought the guy was going to drag me from the car and beat money out of me for taxes on items being left in Canada. I guess each province is probably different. BC's taxes are like 12%, but Alberta's are only 4%, if I remember correctly.

Back in 1993 when I drove into BC, they threatened to search my vehicle for firearms, because apparently someone from Montana probably had guns hidden everywhere in their car. Now, in 2011, it more about money, I guess.

Just remember that antique car parts are not subject to taxes/duty. My grandpa used to ship his parts just south of the Border and drive into the US and bring them back himself to save on brokerage fees.

As for Americans and guns, you'd be surprised. There has been a couple hundred cases this year.

The place I visited in BC this June had 4-wheelers that the owners bought in Kalispell, Montana (no sales tax). They then took them to Canada through Alberta, and licensed them there. Then they distributed them to their other sites, including BC. I bet they saved a ton doing it that way.

A coworker was looking into mobile homes in Canada. He contacted two companies and got quotes. He then contacted a third company which actually builds the mobile homes he was looking at here in Canada and sells them to other companies to sell. To make a long story short, this company sells the homes to companies in the US and it was cheaper for this coworker to buy the mobile home in the US and have it shipped up here (even though it was made here) than it was to buy one locally.

Ok Dan time for Bacon Pictures.

Canadian Bacon