Mopar vs Rice

my daily driver is a stock 2wd v6 93 dakota, currently at 180k miles..early last spring i was out runing some errands and realise i was in the wrong lane for where i neaded to turn at the next light. this POS ricer pulls up next to me. this was worse than your avg ricer too, body kit not matching and falling off, caved in side door, tack as big as the stering wheel , fart can ,ect. side by side first @ the light. so being im first at the light i figure ill punch it to get ahead of him (not even thinking ricer boy would see this as a "race"). ive still got 700lbs of iorn in the bed for winter traction! I punched it at the light an hear him start winding it up an bangin gears. i keeped it floored an was actually pulling him!, but i wanted in that lane so figuring there was now room behind him i backed off an merged, laughing my arse off, wishing i had ben driving the duster that day