blown 2 head gaskets

i know where you re at I ve been there

few thing can do things like said earlier
-to long of dowel pine
-heads and block arent straight as it was suppose to
no more than .002 of distortion on each side (block and heads)
-detonation are you sure the timing is set correctly maybe the damper
rotate and the timing are is higher than what you aspect
or not enough fuel

-now the heads gasket,what you are using arent the best by far
the 1008 is far better and can be use with oring not the best option
but can be use
the copper gasket like moper mention are better but I used them and pretty hard to seal because no sealant are on them and you need to use silicone around every water and oil galery not enough it will leaks and to much will plug the galery and gave you problem letter on
but you can use those every thing is there no need to use silicone

-after that you can use the mls style gasket but you gonna need to remove the oring redeck de block to remove the oring groove because all the company that are selling this kind of gasket yanna have the heads and the block as straight as it can be I talk to mls gasket and told me it was the only way to use there gasket

thats what I did